Piercing Aftercare

Congratulations on your new piercing! To make your healing process quicker and easier, follow these care instructions.

We always suggest to go to the APP website safepiercing.org for more in-depth aftercare.

Below we breakdown the aftercare into 3 easy rules to follow to make it easier to remember!

Rule #1: Rinse in the shower 30-60 seconds.

Rule #2: Spray the piercing 2x a day with sterile saline wound wash.

Rule #3: DON’T TOUCH!

Let’s break these rules down:

  1. Rinse in the shower 30-60 seconds. You will get crusties (crusts/scabs) on the outside of the piercing channel. Crusties are normal—they are just the scab part of the wound. So if you flush them off with the shower water they will fall off when they are ready. Don’t ever pick them off!

  2. Spray sterile saline wound wash on the piercing 2x a day—once in the morning and once at night. If you do it when you brush your teeth, you’ll never forget! Make it a part of your routine. We have some for sale at the shop, so you don’t have to make another stop, but it is something you can also get at Walgreens, Rite Aid or CVS. Just make sure that you are getting it in the First Aid section. You want it to be a wound wash and not for the eyes/ears!

    Don’t use anything besides sterile saline. Don’t believe most things you read online. Over 90% of the piercing aftercare information online is outdated. Anything like rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, tea tree oil, or bactine will over dry the piercing and kill the healthy bacteria that is doing its job. Your body already has everything it needs to heal this piercing, so you don’t need to add any extra chemicals.

  3. Do your best to limit movement! Which means no touching, no twisting, no playing with the piercing. Do your best to leave it alone and let it heal. Not only are you introducing new bacteria into a fresh wound when you touch it, but if you took the metal under a microscope you would see there are tiny abrasions on the metal. When you are moving it, these abrasions can break up that healing tissue, reopening the wound for easier bacteria and creating scar tissue in that channel. We don’t want scar tissue, we want normal healthy tissue with all of the same blood vessels as any of the surrounding tissue so that your body can get white blood cells there to heal.

These rules apply to most piercings but there are always considerations! For any questions or troubleshooting help, feel free to contact any of our piercers or check out safepiercing.org for information on your particular piercing.

Remember to be kind to yourself when healing your piercing! Don’t get discouraged. We are always here to help when you need an assessment or advice. Cheers!

Happy Healing!

If you have any questions, feel free to email us or message your artist and we will get back with you as soon as possible.

We love to receive pictures of your healed piercings! Please feel free to email them to the shop or message them to your artist.