Lavina Vox


Lavina has recently graduated their tattoo apprenticeship and we are so proud of their hard work and dedication!

Lavina loves tattoos and they’re excited to create dark horror and occult art and bring beauty to the otherwise unsettling yet enthralling macabre. They also want to venture into doing some vibrant neo-traditional pieces. Bringing a piece to life for their clients and giving them joy and forever happiness is Lavina’s end goal.

They personally enjoy creating art and writing in their free time and they’re extremely grateful to those in their life that have been there for them and supported them thus far. Lavina believes that people come from all paths in life and some of those paths are bathed in darkness. What defines each person is what they’ve learned on their journey and who they are now.

They have a variety of pets, all of which are rescues and most of the “creepy-crawly” variety, as they believe all animals are worthy of love. They’re a huge folklore lover and a Celtic Pagan through family ties that they’re very proud of. They’re also a huge advocate for falling in love with yourself and learning to embrace yourself in healthy ways. They would love to be a part of your tattoo journey whether it’s creating tangible echoes of your life story, becoming the version of that you want to see in the mirror, or simply for the sake of sick art.

Browse Lavina’s Portfolio